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I Really Like DeadBolt

A member registered Apr 07, 2015

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This FATAL ERROR glitch NEVER happend to me. I even tried stabbing and throwing knives at people. It still worked fine

Omg, is this an actual thing? If so, this game is going to be amazing. I was looking around in the folder, (Not clicking anything so i didnt mess anything up) and i saw a sound folder that said FIREBALL. If im going to turn into some Arch-Mage of Winterhold (Skyrim Refrence) Then im going to be SO happy. Too bad dreams dont come true :( lol :D

You should :D Btw, i just realized this game is a demo apparently. So does that mean the level 6 and 7 will..never..finish? D: PLEASE NO D:

I will play the game over again if i have to. (Sorry for talking to much)

When the guys who make the game update it and implement level 6 and maybe more, since it counts for me as finishing the level, because i beat level 6 by doing what Pones said. Hopefully i wont have to uninstall the game.